3. Select parameters.
Select the unit to calibrate, either the 106 or CDU-0012B, using the Unit Type drop-down menu. By default, this will be set to the CDU-0012B.
Then, select the impeller type using the Impeller Type drop-down menu. This is set to Orange by default.
3.1 Optional Settings:
Baudrate: If the unit has been configured to have a different baudrate then select the appropriate option from the Baudrate drop-down menu.
Auto Close: Selector to automatically close the serial port after completing the calibration. Defaults to ON.
CR+LF: (DEBUG ONLY) Selector to apply a carriage return and line feed to serial data being sent to the instrument.
4. Open the serial port.
Press the OPEN button to connect to the unit.
On the 106, the output from the unit will be displayed on the terminal if the unit is in run mode.
The CDU will not output anything until the calibration process starts.
4.1 Optional: Set unit to run mode.
If the 106 is not in run mode, or the calibration process fails to set the unit back to run mode, the RUN button can be pressed to set the instrument back into run mode.
N.B. ensure the serial port is open before using the RUN button.
5. Starting the calibration.
5.1 CDU-0012B Calibration:
The CDU has a slightly different procedure.
First, turn on the CDU and navigate to the user calibration setting. Press the set user calibration option.
The unit will then output a sentence to the terminal which means it is now ready to be calibrated.
Press the WRITE button to start the calibration process.
If the settings have been applied successfully, the following message will be displayed:
[SUCCESS] – Settings Applied
The instrument will then return to the calibration menu where the “read calibration” on the CDU can be used to check if the calibration has been applied correctly.